About Me



I have been programming since I was very young. First I started with small and test projects and now I am doing more advanced and complex projects for private companies.

I am dedicated to web development as well as mobile applications, and also computer software, that is, multiplatform programming.


I am also in the world of photography. At the moment most of the projects I am working on are voluntary or hobby.

Most photographers are dedicated to taking photography with normal digital cameras, I am more located towards aerial photography, with drones.

My intention, to be able to do bigger projects, is to get my license to pilot drones, in this way the places where I can fly would increase.



You can ask me for the following documents for your consultation. The documents are adapted to be made public, but I prefer to control their dissemination.

  • The Research Project is an extensive research work that I did during the first year of baccalaureate, in which I designed a system to follow the buses in my city in real time. To do this, I built the necessary device to place the buses, I designed the databases to store the information, and I designed and programmed the application to be able to consult the positions.
  • The Curriculum Vitae. A document where I put all my professional experience and where you can see all my most essential information to be able to establish a contract.

These documents must be requested at info@arnauserra.eu and I can send them to you without any problem.

Social Networks

Here you can access my social networks. There are some that are private, that therefore I publish things from my private life.

I will only accept people or organizations that I personally know to my private accounts.